HypnoChange with Monica

Transform yourself to live your best life

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As a teacher for many years I always had the desire to help others in their personal growth and development. It was the most satisfying aspect of that work. Then as an English Language Consultant working with professionals in every sphere for many years in Italy, mainly in Rome, I stepped naturally into the role of Life Coach.

In discovering RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) I found a much quicker way to be able to facilitate the evolving and healing of my clients which has always been my calling. I support people in seeing their own unique gifts, fulfilling their potential and stepping into their power. I simply do what I love and I truly love what I do.

I work with people who are clear about the issues they wish to resolve and who are ready to do the work. They take responsibility for their own healing while I offer support and guidance, and a safe container, while they move forwards rapidly towards freeing themselves from what was holding them back. This work is truly phenomenal in how effective and rapidly it takes place when the client is fully engaged and on board. And the results are permanent when it is the client who is fully motivated to do the work and is in the driver’s seat. Our subconscious mind is very malleable so when we learn how to instruct it on how to assist us in living our best lives we truly do start to live the lives we’ve always wanted.

My Approach

I work in the following areas which are blocking my clients from living their best lives.

Fears and phobias, such as fear of flying, addictions, such as smoking, and drinking, anxiety, stress, procrastination, guilt, weight issues, confidence and self esteem, public speaking, career issues, memory, sleep, depression and relationships, as well as very specific issues which we may uncover together.

How I work

My style of working is to accompany my client on a healing journey that empowers and frees them from a particular issue that we have agreed to approach together. I first ensure that my client is ready to fully participate in, and take responsibility for their own healing, and then we can start the process.

First, we have an information gathering session which is where healing already begins as the client focuses on what is holding them back today and begins to envisage in detail how their life will be once the issue no longer exists.

Then a short time after that we have the main session where the client comes to a greater state of understanding of their issue and its root cause, during hypnosis, which is simply a relaxed state in which it is easier to access the subconscious which always provides us with the answers we need. I verbally guide the client into a suggestible state to access the unconscious beliefs inhibiting their happiness. I use various techniques to explore and rewire beliefs blocking progress, such as regression and hypnotic conditioning (changing thought processes or behaviours).

The client receives a transformational recording which they have agreed to listen to every day for a minimum of 21 days. This is an integral and fundamental part of the process, and really locks in the profound work done during the main session.

After 7 to 10 days we meet again for a follow up and feedback session. At this time we may use other techniques such as EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and the client may wish to learn such a technique to become more autonomous in their own continuing healing and self development.

After 21 days we meet once more to discuss how the client has shifted and moved forwards. Again we choose together what may be the most appropriate accompanying tools, including the possibility of an oracle card reading to offer insights on moving forwards and techniques to clean and protect our energy.

In order to fully address and resolve the client’s issue usually one to three cycles of this 4 step healing journey is required. However everyone is different so we will discover together once the client has embarked upon this fascinating journey how many cycles would be ideal. All the sessions can take place online or in person with equally effective results.

What my clients say

Monica appeared in my life introduced by a good friend. I was very curious about the therapy and immediately felt confident in my first meeting with Monica. I loved her energy and her assertiveness. We had a few therapy sessions. It really helped me passing through a very difficult period of my life where I felt that I could fall into a big emotional hole. I felt secure and guided by Monica to expand my inner me and be optimistic about the future, not being afraid and insecure. Trusting in what the universe has reserved for me 😊 I'm very grateful to Monica for who I am now 🥰 she taught me some techniques that I can easily use to calm myself and maintain my emotional state in a balanced way. She potentiated and illuminated the person that I am today.

—Margarida C (44) Evora, Portugal

RTT has been incredibly transformative. I noticed a vibrational shift immediately after my first session; out of nowhere, I attracted new opportunities of abundance. I was dealing with some financial difficulties and felt stuck in my unconscious survival patterns that were very deep-rooted and well disguised. After my 21 days, the result was even more visible, especially in challenging moments. I kept hopeful, allowing solutions of change to come to me and my financial situation changed positively. As a highly sensitive person, Monica creates a safe container with such a professional approach, making it easy for me to surrender and feel safe to be guided by her. Being, myself, a spiritually evolved and aware person, I couldn’t imagine another therapist using these amazing tools and having the same impact on me as Monica had.

—Sara Carvalheiro (37) Leiria, Portugal

I had an RTT session with Monica as I had been allowing my 'people pleasing need' to rule my life and this had led to a period of acute anxiety that would take over my life and paralyse me from moving forward. I had a session with Monica where she took me back to the root cause of my people pleasing which was all to do with guilt I was holding from childhood that she helped me to see was not relevant in my adult life as I no longer am or need to think like a child. She was able to totally reframe the guilt and anxiety and the transformation was amazing. I no longer allow irrational guilt to result in people pleasing to my detriment and my life now looks totally different. Thank you, Monica

—Zanna Barrett-Aouichia (50) Surrey, UK

Prior to talking to Monica, I struggled with chronic procrastination, and it felt like an insurmountable obstacle that was holding me back in both my personal and professional life. I can’t remember when it started. I used to read self-development books and see some motivational videos but nothing stuck. It was exhausting. Delaying tasks till the last minutes or missing the deadlines usually would make me feel more stressed and anxious, because I would need to the work in a more rushed way and sometimes even the quality of work would be reduced, which would result in making me feel incapable of accomplishing my goals or sometimes would even lead to burnout.

I can never express how grateful I am for the incredible transformation that Monica brought into my life. After discussing my problem with her, I decided to give RTT a try after hearing about its effectiveness in addressing various mental and emotional challenges. The RTT sessions were nothing short of remarkable. Monica helped me delve deep into the root causes of my procrastination, unravelling the hidden fears and self-doubt that had been paralyzing me for years. Through gentle and non-invasive techniques, she helped me reframe my thoughts and feelings, allowing me to regain control over my actions and decisions.

But what truly sealed the deal for me was the recording that Monica provided. The recording was customized to reinforce the positive changes we had achieved during our sessions. Listening to it became a daily ritual for me. It helped me stay on track and maintain the momentum I had gained during the RTT sessions. It was a constant source of inspiration and encouragement. Over time, I noticed a profound shift in my behaviour. Tasks that used to feel overwhelming and daunting became manageable and sometimes even enjoyable. I no longer found myself putting things off until the last minute, and my productivity soared. I was finally able to take control of my time and make significant progress on my personal and professional goals.

Today, I can confidently say that the sessions I had with Monica have transformed my life. I no longer let procrastination rule my days, and I am achieving goals I once thought were out of reach. If you are struggling with procrastination or any mental roadblocks, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Monica a call.

—Emma M (29) University Researcher, Lisbon, Portugal.

It was by chance that I mentioned to Monica that there was a professional event coming up where I would have to speak in public to dozens of people, and that it was making me very nervous. Monica suggested I have a few sessions with her and try out a different approach, which would give me more self-confidence and public speaking skills.

I was a little sceptical at first, which is my nature, but Monica managed to give me confidence in her work in what would be my first experience with this approach. I very easily let myself be "guided" by her words and learnt more about what caused my nervousness and fear of speaking in public to large audiences.

It was only a few weeks before the big event, and listening to Monica's recording every night and remembering her words from the sessions, I was surprised at how calm and confident I was when I went on stage and managed to speak to so many people for a whole day! I believe it will be easier from now on…

I can't explain exactly what changed, but I do know that Monica's sessions, specifically her commitment and professionalism, the way she explained to me what was required and led me to believe that this approach was worth trying, really helped me! I would certainly recommend Monica as a therapist, based on my happy experience.

—Silvia J (48) Public Servant, Évora, Portugal

Since the first session, I felt very heard by Monica and very cosy and safe in the depths of my being in her presence. It was a unique and profound experience that really helped me to get through the problems I've been working on for years. I tried to solve these issues with meditation but I couldn't do this process without any professional help. I am really impressed with the quick shift and my evolution since the first session with Monica.

I wanted to improve my relationship with my parents and to try to understand deeper how this was affecting me and my most intimate relationships. Before the session with her, I didn't believe that I could be 100% myself around them and that they would support my decisions and dreams. She guided me to the root of my problem and she was also available to do some exercises with me that I found very helpful during my process of deconstruction and integration.

I would definitely recommend Monica, her loving voice and her guidance made me feel safe to go deep into my subconscious mind and she has an amazing ability to ask the right questions. I felt that there were no wrong answers coming up because each of them had a hidden treasure that Monica guided me to find.

It was a pleasure to listen to the audio for 21 days with powerful affirmations, personal words and phrases that she picked out so well from our sessions, that shifted my reality day to day. My challenges began to look clearer and I was so amazed that things were falling into place very quickly. I still feel the power of the sessions in my everyday life and relationships.

Nowadays, my parents accept me unconditionally, they're curious to know me better and they're supporting my dreams. If I didn't get Monica's help I would've carried this heaviness in my chest for several more years. I'm very grateful for her help and for the safe space she was able to create while we were digging deep.

—Saskia (23) Student, Porto, Portugal

Topic • Moving to a new home, finding a new home, ideal home and place to live:

This was a big stressor for me during a quite turbulent time with the end of my relationship as well as the death of my mother recently after this session.

I had an «aha» moment during the session in which I felt stuck actually in my childhood home - so I’ve lacked the feeling of home for quite a while - finding new places often. Now I live in a perfect beautiful home close to the sea (20m literally), nature outside the door and lovely surroundings and the home feeling is fantastic.

Working with Monica felt safe and relaxed to me - she held space for me beautifully, and guided me intuitively in the right directions + allowed me to process that which was needed to process.

I could feel the desire to help and support me and her vocabulary is fantastic with a wonderful imagination.

I listened to the recording she gave me for support and transformation - and even listened to it through the moving process every day and it helped me beyond words - due to other big life stressors occurring at the same time.

I feel at home - and happy.

I highly recommend working with Monica if you’d like to transform that which is in the way for you, or even a goal - she embodies this work (RTT) and can support you, big YES.

I find RTT beautiful as it gives a personal recording after the session which is so helpful for weeks to come.